WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Planning Paper 6 Date 18 June 2004 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: REPORT ON CALLED-IN PLANNING APPLICATION Prepared by: ANDREW TAIT, PLANNING OFFICER (DEVELOPMENT CONTROL) DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED: ERECTION OF 1, 280 SQUARE METRE RETAIL PAVILION, AVIEMORE CENTRE, AVIEMORE REFERENCE: 04/0115/CP APPLICANT: AVIEMORE HIGHLAND RESORT DATE CALLED-IN: 12 MARCH 2004 MAP Fig. 1 - Location Plan (NOT AVAILABLE IN TEXT FORMAT) SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSAL 1. The site lies in the Aviemore Highland Resort between Grampian Road and the A9. The resort in general is subject to a range of development activity with several buildings currently under construction. The site for the retail building is effectively linked to the conference centre and would be accessed from the loop road, beyond this is the rear of the Cairngorm Hotel. To the west of the pavilion would be a landscaped area, and beyond this the Aviemore New Hilton Inn. The remaining boundaries of the pavilion would be parking areas and a terrace link with the main conference centre. The exact site for this building is relatively flat and used for storage of materials/rubble and contractors parking. 2. The proposal seeks to provide a total of 1,280 sq metres of retail space within an open floor pavilion building attached to the conference centre. 3. The design of the building is based upon an oval shape with a relatively low level single floor with a modern shallow pitched zinc standing seam roof, with a light lantern along the ridge. There is a link between the conference centre/restaurant and the retail pavilion proposed. Fronting the link road will be the entrance to the building that will also have a walk around external glazed colonnade looking onto a landscaped parking area. 4. The building is allocated approximately 100 car parking spaces in the same car parking area as the conference centre. DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONTEXT 5. Policy R1 (Shopping Hierarchy) of the Highland Structure Plan considers that development proposals, which consolidate the shopping hierarchy and enhance the role of individual settlements as shopping centres, will be supported. Policy R5 of the Highland Structure Plan considers that retail development in town centres will generally be encouraged. Development proposals which are adjudged to undermine the vitality and viability of existing town centres will be resisted. 6. The principles of the Aviemore section of the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan seek to strengthen the village as a major shopping and service centre and to promote the economic renaissance of the village. The site is allocated on the Proposals Map of the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan for commerce and tourism. Policy 2.2.1 (a) of the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan states that the Council will encourage and attract new economic development where it is consistent with the maintenance of a clean environment. CONSULTATIONS 7. The Highland Council Area Roads and Community Works Manager recommends conditions, stating that no development shall commence until the reserved matters contained in Highland Council permission No BS/02/00007/OUTBS have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority: that no development shall commence until the terms of the registered minute of agreement, dated 18 December, 2003 between Highland Council, Aviemore Highland Resort and others, have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Highland Council; that dedicated parking and manoeuvring space, commensurate with the nature and scale of the development proposed shall be provided within or close by the cartilage of the site. Parking provision shall satisfy the requirements of Highland Council’s Road Guidelines for New Developments. 8. Highland Council has requested additional information in relation to the effect of parking proposed for this unit upon parking for other sites including the Hilton New Inn, the Osprey Centre itself and the Highlands Hotel. 9. Aviemore Community Council raise concern regarding the servicing of the retail units. REPRESENTATIONS 10. The Highland Cycle Campaign consider that secure, enclosed cycle parking should be provided for at least 20% of staff. Sheltered parking for bikes close to, and in view of reception be provided for at least 20% of staff. APPRAISAL 11. The key principle of consideration with this application is the introduction of the retail element and the effect that this may have upon other shopping centres and communities within the National Park. 12. The Outline Masterplan originally allowed under Highland Council Planning Permission ref No BS/1999/28 for 5,000 square metres of retail provision within the resort. This was subsequently deleted from the proposals by an amended masterplan approval that extinguished this element, but allowed for a 2,787 square metre supermarket. This is the subject of another application called in by the Park and currently under consideration for an increase in floorspace. The Freedom Inn originally held approximately 500 square metres of retail space and a recent application for approximately 1,200 square metres of retail floorspace at the Inn was withdrawn and effectively substituted by the current application. This means an increase in retail at the resort of approximately 780 square metres. The agent considers that the retail originally allowed for under the Outline Masterplan easily exceeded the amount proposed here. However, from the information recently made available by Highland Council it would appear that while there is a history of greater retail space being consented at the site, there would appear to be no valid existing outline permission to cover the extra floorspace being proposed here. 13. In design terms the building sits to the north of the conference centre building and is joined to it by a terrace arrangement. The building, being single storey is lower than the main conference centre building, which is of a 2/3-storey height. The overall design is contemporary in nature and is considered to sit well within the development as a whole. Given its single storey nature the building has limited visual impact on the immediate area. However, the link between the Osprey Building and the retail pavilion proposed here does form a key entrance area to the resort from the access/loop road off Grampian Road. Materials proposed are of a contemporary nature to match the modern approach adopted for the conference centre and include a timber clad colonnade walkway around the exterior of the building with panels of vertical glazing and entrances into the retail area from the car park. 14. While there are positive aspects in relation to the design of the building, the additional retail floorspace proposed here over what already appears to have planning permission needs to be assessed thoroughly. Because of this, the agent has been asked to provide a position statement in relation to the additional floorspace. This application was placed on the agenda with the expectation of additional information being supplied, which, in part has been received in the meantime. However, this information was not conclusive in terms of the appraisal of this application in retail impact terms and it is considered that this report should essentially be considered as forming an update upon the application that is now recommended for deferral. This would allow for additional information both in relation to retail justification and parking breakdown to be supplied and analysed by planning officers with the intention of providing a fuller report to a future meeting. In the meantime, any additional information received will be reported verbally to members at the meeting. RECOMMENDATION That members of the Committee support a recommendation to: DEFER the application for the erection of a 1,280 square metre retail pavilion on a site to the north side of the Osprey Building, Aviemore Centre, Aviemore to allow for submission and appraisal of the following information. (i) Justification for the retail element above what currently appears to have planning permission at the site. (ii) Detailed break down of car parking spaces for this proposal and other buildings/uses at the site Andrew Tait Date 14 June 2004 planning@cairngorms.co.uk